
The world in His Hands – A Shortened Hand 

 Morne Kruger

God still holds this world in His Hands. Not only is He holding this world in His hands, He is also holding us in His hands. Sometimes it feels as if His hand is short and He can’t help anymore.


  • Welcome everybody
  • Start with an icebreaker


Prayer: Open with prayer 

Read: Num 23:11 (Amp) The Lord said to Moses, “Is the Lord’s hand (ability, power) limited (short, inadequate)? You shall see now whether My word will come to pass for you or not.” 

Watch: Watch this week’s CONNECT group video.


Everybody finds themselves sometimes in the same place as Moses. We wonder where God is. We feel that His hand has shortened and He can’t reach us. But God encourages Moses with the words; “My hand has not shortened”. With the same words He also wants to encourage us.

Discuss the following:

  • Do you remember a time or experience in your life story, just like in the Moses story, where it felt as if God’s hand was shortened?
  • What does the words; “My hand is not short” mean to you?  


Spend time in God’s presence through Praise and Worship. 


  • How can you share the words “God’s hand has not shortened” with people around you during the next week.
  • Pray together for family or friends who are currently “experiencing God with short hands”


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